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Non-shiny black iPhone images unearthed

Publicat de BlackPhantom On 2/14/2009 08:28:00 PM

Images have been leaked online of what could be a shell for the next generation iPhone, including one picture highlighting a previously unseen model number.

Three images have appeared in all, but apparently from several different sources. The first image – which was initially discovered by website iPodObserver – shows the back of a matte black iPhone body sporting the model number A1303.

iPhone model numbers vary according to generation - Edge or 3G - and storage capacity. For example, the first-generation 8GB iPhone carries the model number A1203. The 16GB black iPhone 3G is A1241.

The second image appears to show in the inside of the matte black iPhone’s rear case. Although it actually reveals very little about the phone itself, the shot does at least hint at how components could be laid out inside and confirm that a camera would still be included.

The third and final final image does, unfortunately, confuse things slightly. Why? Because although the phone shell pictured in the first image looks very official, this third image shows a shiny black iPhone body which, crucially, doesn’t have any markings, such as a model number, serial number or IMEI number.

All it shows is the Apple logo and what looks like an 8GB capacity marking. But could these have been pasted in Photoshop? ®


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